Put aging on hold with PRP Microneedling
If you are looking for a non-surgical treatment that can erase the years from your face and result in younger, healthier-looking skin, PRP microneedling facial treatment can be a great choice for you. PRP microneedling is a revolutionary aesthetic treatment that rejuvenates your skin to give you a fresher, younger look. The facial combines microneedling with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) to accelerate your skin’s natural healing powers to improve tone and texture, restore blood flow, and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. The PRP microneedling can also diminish the appearance of acne and chickenpox scars.

What is PRP microneedling good for?
What is PRP microneedling?
PRP microneedling is essentially a beauty treatment procedure that combines platelet rich plasma (PRP) with microneedle stimulation (needles are actually fairly similar to acupuncture needles and the devices used, are not nearly as scary).
It is aimed at rejuvenating the skin by inducing collagen production which helps to improve skin elasticity, texture, and tone as well as reduce the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, and large pores.
PRP microneedling is a combination of microneedling and platelet-rich plasma (PRP). Microneedling uses short, fine needles to puncture the skin. These needles range in size from .5 to 2.5 millimeters. The needles feel like tiny pinpricks and only go skin-deep.
The pricks are used to “injure” the skin, prompting your skin to heal itself by producing elastin and collagen, and allowing the PRP to penetrate deeper. Once the microneedling is completed, PRP is applied to your skin topically.

What is PRP?
What is the process of PRP Microneedling?
We all have platelets in our blood. PRP is a 3-step procedure that involves having your blood:
- Drawn from your arm
- Placed into a machine that separates the platelets from the rest of your blood
- Re-injected into you (only the part of your blood that contains a high concentration of platelets).
PRP is a concentrate of platelet-rich plasma protein produced from blood. PRP has a large concentration of growth factors, helping tissue to heal and repair, and treat all types of skin issues.
The first step for PRP microneedling is the initial blood draw, which is relatively painless. Your blood is then placed in a centrifuge to separate the plasma and platelets from the red blood cells.
Before the microneedling portion of the treatment begins, a topical numbing cream is applied to the face to manage any discomfort of the needling.
Once the numbing cream is active and the microneedling has been completed, the PRP is rubbed on the skin. The PRP should remain on the skin for the rest of the day to maximize results. Patients will notice dry, red, sensitive skin, much like a light sunburn for the first few days after treatment.

PRP Microneedling benefits
Advantages of PRP Microneedling
PRP Microneedling treatment improves the quality of the skin and maintains its firmness, elasticity, and healthy color. The procedure normalizes metabolic processes and microcirculation in tissues. Increases the activity of the synthesis of collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid, and accelerates healing and tissue repair. It is used for the prevention and reduction of scars.
The vampire facial benefits are wide-ranging, addressing the needs of many without the necessity of undergoing painful surgery:
- Rough or uneven texture
- Fine Lines around your mouth and/or eyes
- Acne Scars
- Lines on the neck or chest
- Stretch marks
The obvious advantage of PRP therapy over other injection methods is that the patient is injected with his own resource, so it does not cause rejection and allergic reactions.
The procedure can be performed at any time of the year. It will be relevant both in summer to prevent photo-aging and dehydration of the skin, and in winter to strengthen the skin’s protective layer.
Before and after
Two days before the PRP-therapy procedure, you should not eat fatty, spicy, fried foods. It is recommended to reduce physical activity and drink about two liters of water daily. It is not recommended to eat or smoke three hours before the session.
After the PRP-therapy procedure, decorative cosmetics should not be applied on to the treated area. And for an average of three days, it is recommended not to visit the sauna, swimming pool, sunbathe, or massage.
How long do PRP Microneedling facial results last?
After your skin heals, you can expect to have a nice, dewy glow for a few weeks, but know that your results will just get better with time. Collagen stimulation, the tightening, and remodeling of your collagen happen over the course of six months to a year after a procedure like this.

Who is not a candidate for PRP treatment?
Not only rejuvenation
People who may not benefit from PRP include adults with:
- A personal history of active cancer
- Blood-related conditions, such as severe anemia or leukemia
- An infection in the treatment area
- Active smoker
PRP therapy, having a high tissue-restoring potential, is used in many areas of medicine. Among them, for example, trichology, traumatology, orthopedics, and gynecology. The method has a positive effect on the health of the hair and scalp. It is used for alopecia and seborrhea. It strengthens hair follicles, heals hair, relieves inflammation in the scalp, and normalizes its microbiome.